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About the App

This app was created so that you could more easily use music in the classroom to help students become independent. Harnessing the power of the right brain, Music Cue will quickly have your students taking care of business without a word from you.

You'll be able to:

  1. Create song cues that link to a specific song in your device library.
  2. Play the song with two quick taps.
  3. Delay the start of the song with the on-screen countdown timer feature.

The basic concept of using music to initiate procedures or time transtions is explained in the book, Eight Great Ideas.

Eight Great Ideas book Eight Great Ideas

For example, if I wanted my students to come to the carpet for a lesson, I just played Bill Nye, the Science Guy. As soon as they heard the first few notes, everyone knew exactly what to do. Not only that, they knew how long they had in which to do it. And the entire process was achieved without a word from me.

One of the advantages of using songs in the classroom--and especially TV theme songs--is that the song creates an internal timer in each student's head. Before too long, you'll find students taking care of simple tasks in a timely fashion as they learn to use the pace of song to pace what they do.

For more information on this concept, check out the article I wrote. Just click on the image below. If you're using an iPad, you can read it in iBooks.

Music Cues article Music Cues article

But as great as that strategy is with nothing more than a CD of songs and a CD player, the app--as you will soon see--makes the whole concept so much easier to use. You'll just tap the song cue and the song connected to that button will play. And when the song is over? Silence. You won't hear the next song on the CD or the next song in the playlist. Only the song you wanted to hear is played.

This on-line guide was written to help you get started using it. You'll find that the app is extremely simple in operation. Nonetheless, I thought it made sense to provide you with an owner's manual.

Thanks for purchasing the app. I wish you and your students nothing but the best as you begin to use it. And if you come up with some new way of using music in your classroom, please send me your idea. You'll find an email link on the info screen of the app.

November 1, 2012
Rick Morris
New Management, Inc.

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